Harmonizing Your Health With Nature. More and more research is coming forward to support natural remedies that bring us back in touch with our natural environment. No, our natural environment is not concrete and cars! Studies are finding when individuals spend more time in nature, they have higher feelings of wellbeing, and lower amounts of stress. This is also true when we spend time with others and in community.
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Women in Business | Dr. Alyssa Quimby, DC | Rise Chiropractic
When looking at the body and how it encases the nervous system, Alyssa is able to see how something is creating compression or tension on the nerves that keep our organs, muscles, and brain working efficiently. From a non-invasive approach, Alyssa is able to move or shift soft and hard tissue so it creates room for the body to have more freedom. This freedom not only supports the healing of injuries, it also has the ability to prevent injury.
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As a kid, Jessi remembers baking with her Grandma and Great Aunt. These memories have stayed with her as she dabbled over the years, and never took them seriously as a possible career until 2020.
When her Grandma passed on, Jessi was able to ask for her Grandma’s mixer. Anticipating the standard three glass bowls and handheld with two beaters, she was overjoyed to find a KitchenAide staring back at her. It’s likely being put to the test as you read this!
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I’m so excited to be able to get back to presenting my blog series “Women in Business” again. I’ve missed getting to know the other local women who are pursuing their dreams and making them come true through entrepreneurship. This isn’t the easiest path and I love the opportunity to spotlight other businesses and learn more about their tricks to success.
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